Papers & Reports

A complete list of Kathy Martin’s publications can be found on her home page.

For technical documents, see the downloads page.

General alpine

Lindh, H. 2003. Evaluation of the design and selection of a small scale protected area network in the Resort Municipality of Whistler, BC. MSc. University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Download PDF (text only) | Download PDF (figures only)

Whistler area ecosystems are described, their values highlighted, and potential anthropogenic threats to their persistence identified. Approaches to selecting a network of protected areas within the municipality are discussed. The program SITES is used to select a protected area network in the Resort Municipality of Whistler and to determine how well systematic reserve design and selection tools function at small scales of planning.

Martin, K. 2001. Wildlife in alpine and subalpine habitats. In: Johnson, D.H. and T.A. O’Neil. 2001. Wildlife-habitat relationships in Oregon and Washington. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis. pp. 239-260, Chapter 9. Download PDF | Download XLS | Download ZIP

This chapter outlines ecological and conservation issues for alpine wildlife communities in Oregon and Washington. Most of the problems and processes discussed apply to alpine vertebrates in the Pacific Northwest, and generally to North America.

Note that there are three lists of species-high elevation habitat associations in Washington and Oregon that accompany this document. They are available as MS Excel worksheets or as three PDFs in a single ZIP file.

Camfield, A. 2008. Species list, breeding activities of alpine and subalpine birds on Hudson Bay Mountain and suggested mitigation for the Ski & Ride Smithers Ski Area Master Plan. Download PDF

This report lists the wildife species using the alpine and subalpine areas on Hudson Bay Mountain, near Smithers, BC, as well as suggesting methods to reduce impacts of development activities on the mountain.

Use of high elevation habitats by migratory birds

Martin, K. and S. Ogle. 1998. The use of alpine habitats by fall migrating birds on Vancouver Island (1996-97). Report ALPMIG-1, Department of Forest Sciences, University of British Columbia and Canadian Wildlife Service, Pacific and Yukon Region, Delta,B.C. 22 pp. Download PDF

This report summarizes opportunistic observations of migratory birds in alpine, subalpine and montane forest habitats on Vancouver Island.

Martin, K. and S. Ogle. 2000. The use of alpine habitats by migratory birds in B.C. parks: 1998 Summary. Report ALPMIG-2, Unpublished report, Department of Forest Sciences, University of British Columbia and Canadian Wildlife Service, Pacific and Yukon Region. 15 pp. Download PDF

This report summarizes the 1998 field season, summarizing the observation of migratory birds in alpine, subalpine and montane forest habitats in five south and central British Columbia provincial parks.

Er, Kenneth B.H. 2001. Temporal variation in fall bird density at high elevation habitats in southeastern British Columbia: An analysis using Distance Sampling. Forest Resources Management, The University of British Columbia. 50 pp. Download PDF

A survey of birds using line transect sampling was conducted across an alpine-subalpine-montane habitat gradient in ten mountain sites in southern British Columbia over a period of three years from 1998 to 2000.

Davidson et al. 2007. Birds in high places. Birdwatch Canada 41:4-7. Download PDF

Vancouver Island white-tailed ptarmigan

VIWTP Observations Download PDF | Download XLS
Vancouver Island White-tailed Ptarmigan historic and publicly submitted sighting records as of 2002.

Martin, K. and L. Forbes (2001). “Vancouver Island white-tailed ptarmigan: Species information.” British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands, and Parks. 10 pp. Download PDF
Species account written for the BC government.

Where are the white-tailed ptarmigan on Vancouver Island? A summary of observations by hikers and naturalists. 2 pp. Download PDF
This document summarizes historical and casual observations of the range of the Vancouver Island white-tailed ptarmigan and also illustrates the distribution of suitable white-tailed ptarmigan habitat on Vancouver Island.

Martin, K. and C. L. Hitchcock (1997).” Vancouver Island white-tailed ptarmigan inventory: progress report, May 1997. Winter surveys and GIS work.” Centre for Alpine Studies, Forest Sciences, University of British Columbia. Report WTPVI-2. 28 pp. Download PDF
This document summarizes the results of two years of winter helicopter surveys and gives movement over winter survival data on Vancouver Island white-tailed ptarmigan.

Martin, K. and M. L. Commons (1997). “Vancouver Island white-tailed ptarmigan inventory project: progress report. 1997 summer surveys.” Centre for Alpine Studies, Forest Sciences, University of British Columbia. Report WTPVI-3. 21 pp. Download PDF
This document reports on the summer surveys of Vancouver Island white-tailed ptarmigan during 1997.

Martin, K. and L. Elliott (1996). “Vancouver Island white-tailed ptarmigan inventory progress report (1995-1996).” Centre for Alpine Studies, Forest Sciences, University of British Columbia. Report WTPVI-1. 35 pp. Download PDF
This document reports on the first two summer and the first winter of surveys of Vancouver Island White-tailed Ptarmigan. It includes habitat maps and descriptions of the project as well as describing the first year’s results. It also provides a summary of historical observations and previous research on Vancouver Island White-tailed Ptarmigan.