This bibliography has been compiled by Kathy Martin, assisted by interns (Science Horizons, NSERC Undergraduate Assistants). Please e-mail any additions to the bibliography to Marty.
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Brown, J.L., S.-H. Li, and N. Bhagabati (1999). Long-term trend toward earlier breeding in an American bird: a response to global warming. Proc. Natl Acad Sci USA, 96: 5565-5569.
Burton, J.F. (1995). Birds and Climate Change. London: Christopher Helm.
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Crick, H.Q.P., et al. (1997). UK birds are laying eggs earlier. Nature, 388: 526.
Crick, H.Q.P. and T.H. Sparks (1999). Climate change related to egg-laying trends. Nature, 399: 423-424.
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DeSante, D.F. (1990). The role of recruitment in the dynamics of a Sierran subalpine bird community. The American Naturalist, 136(4): 429-445.
DesGranges, J.-L. (1996).Wildlife (evaluation of the vulnerability of Quebec’s breeding birds to climate change). in Ecosystem effects of atmospheric change. Pointe Claire, Quebec.
Dobson, A., A. Jolly, and D. Rubenstein (1989). The greenhouse effect and biological diversity.T.R.E.E., 4(3): 64-68.
Dunn, P.O. and D.W. Winkler (1999). Climate change has affected the breeding date of tree swallows throughout North America. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 266: 2487-2490.
Dunwiddie, P.W. (1986). A 6000-year record of forest history on Mount Rainier, Washington.Ecology, 67(1): 58-68.
Ehrlich, P.R., et al. (1972). Weather and the “regulation” of subalpine populations. Ecology, 53(2): 243-247.
Ellison, L.N. (1973). Seasonal social organization and movements of Spruce Grouse. Condor, 75(3): 375-385.
Ellison, L.N. and R.B. Weeden (1979). Seasonal and local weights of Alaskan Spruce Grouse. Journal of Wildlife Management, 43(1): 176-183.
Environment_Canada (1997). Science and the Environment Bulletin, in Science and the Environment Bulletin. p. 8pp.
Environment_Canada (2000). Sensitivities to climate change in Canada.: Ottawa. p. 29.
Fleischer, R.C. and R.F. Johnston (1984). The relationships between winter climate and selection on body size of House Sparrows. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 62(3): 405-410.
Fry, C.H. (1972). The social organization of Bee-eaters (Meropidae) and cooperative breeding in hot climate birds. Ibis, 114: 1-14.
Fuller, W.A., L.L. Stebbins, and G.R. Dyke (1969). Overwintering of small mammals near Great Slave Lake Northern Canada. Arctic, 22(1): 34-55.
Geiger, R. (1965). Relations of man and animals to microclimate, in The climate near the ground. Harvard Univ. Press: Cambridge, Mass. p. 611.
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Gibbs, H.L., P.R. Grant, and J. Weiland (1984). Breeding of Darwin’s Finches at an unusually early age in an El Nino year. Auk, 101(4): 872-874.
Gordon, J.E., et al. (1998). Environmental sensitivity and conservation management in the Cairngorm Mountains, Scotland. Ambio, 27(4): 335-344.
Goudie, A. (1990). The Human Impact on the Natural Environment. 3rd ed. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
Grabherr, G., M. Gottfried, and G. Pauli (1994). Climate effects on mountain plants. Nature, 369: 448.
Graham, P.L., et al. (1991). Ecological risk assessment at the regional scale. Ecol. Appl., 1(2): 196-206.
Green, G.H., J.J.D. Greenwood, and C.J. Lloyd (1977). The influence of snow condition on the date of breeding of wading birds in north-east Greenland. Journal of Zoology, 183: 311-328.
Greenland, D. (1989). The climate of Niwot Ridge, Front Range, Colorado, U.S.A. Arctic and Alpine Research, 21(4): 380-391.
Hebda, R.J. (1997). Impact of climate change on biogeoclimatic zones of British Columbia and Yukon, in Responding to global climate change in British Columbia and Yukon, E. Taylor, Taylor, B., Editor. Environment Canada, Pacific and Yukon Region: Vancouver. p. 13-1-13-15.
Hipfner, J.M., et al. (1999). Seasonal declines in replacement egg-laying in long-lived, Arctic seabird: costs of late breeding or variation in female quality? Journal of Animal Ecology, 68: 988-998.
Hogg, I.D., J.M. Eadie, and Y. de Lafontaine (1998). Atmospheric Change and the Diversity of Aquatic Invertebrates: Are We Missing the Boat?Environmental Monitoring and Protection, 49: 291-301.
Hogg, I.D., et al. (1995). The Consequences of Global Warming for Stream Invertebrates: A Field Simulation. Journal of Thermal Biology, 20(1): 199-206.
Holling, C.S. (1992). Cross-scale morphology, geometry, and dynamics of ecosystems. Ecol. Monogr., 62(4): 447-502.
Holroyd, G.L. and E.G. Beaubien (1996).Some possible effects of atmospheric change on wildlife. inEcosystem effects of atmospheric change. Pointe Claire, Quebec.
Hughes, L. (2000). Biological consequences of global warming: is the signal already apparent?TREE, 15(2): 56-61.
Inouye, D.W., et al. (2000). Climate change is affecting altitudinal migrants and hibernating species.Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 97(4): 1630-1633.
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Jarvinen, A. (1995). Effects of climate change on mountain bird populations, in Potential ecological impacts of climate change in the Alps and Fennoscandian mountains, A. Guisan, Editor. Conservatoire et jardin botaniques de la ville de Genève: Genève. p. 73-74.
Järvinen, A. (1994). Global warming and egg size of birds. Ecography, 17(1): 108-110.
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Johnson, E.A. and C.P.S. Larsen (1991). Climatically induced change in fire frequency in the southern Canadian Rockies. Ecology, 72(1): 194-201.
Jorgensen, E. and A.S. Blix (1985). Effects of climate and nutrition on growth and survival of Willow Ptarmigan chicks. Ornis Scandinavica, 16: 99-107.
Josenhans, H., et al. (1997). Early humans and rapidly changing Holocene sea levels in the Queen Charlotte Islands: Hecate Strait, British Columbia, Canada. Science, 277: 71-74.
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Lazare, M. (1996).Modeling future climates. in Ecosystem effects of atmospheric change. Pointe Claire, Quebec.
Little, R.L., D.L. Peterson, and L.L. Conquest (1994). Regeneration of subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) following fire: effects of climate and other factors. Canadian Journal of Forestry Research, 24: 934-944.
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Oechel, W.C. and G.L. Vourlitis (1994). The effect of climate change on land-atmosphere feedbacks in arctic tundra regions. TREE, 9(9): 324-329.
Parmesan, C., et al. (1999). Poleward shifts in geographical ranges of butterfly species associated with regional warming. Nature, 399: 579-583.
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